Making things work with minimal human intervention like IOT, accessing projects remotely , authorisation and backups
3D Modelling Game Development Software Development Electronics Automation ArtOctober 2022
August 2021
I’m using VS code and the extension Remote -SSH because I am running the Pi headless and it’s the easiest way to copy the public SSH key
In the Raspberry Pi terminal:
Check if you already have a SSH key with
ls -al ~/.ssh
If not, generate one with
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
rsa is a placeholder name. Change it if you like
Start ssh agent
eval `ssh-agent -s`
Add key to agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Change rsa to a name you choose if you like
Navigate to the .ssh directory and copy the contents of public key
~cd .ssh
This is where using VS code to navigate to the directory is handy as copying the key from a text file from the pi and pasting on the host computer is harder than it sounds.
In a browser of the host computer log into github and navigate to Settings⇒ SSH and GPG keys
Add key, name key (anything you will remember) and paste key.
While still in the browser create and name a new repository
On the pi navigate to the Node-Red directory. It is a hidden directory called .node-red
cd ~/.node-red is the default
Initialize the local directory as a Git repository
git init -b main
Add the files in your new local repository. You only need the “flows_raspberrypi.json” for an effective backup. You can add the whole directory for a backup including all the packages. Note if “flowsraspberrypi.json” is not in the directory it is most probably called “flows
git add flows_raspberrypi.json
git add .
to add the whole directory
Before the commit you will need to let the pi know who is doing the commits with
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "your_username"
Commit with
git commit -m “first commit”
Add remote origin (the repository we created earlier) changing username and repository_name to match your credentials
git remote add origin [email protected]:username/repository_name
If you mashed an extra key and added the wrong repository name like I did the first time, remove it and try adding again $git remote rm origin
Push with
git push -u origin master
-u links the local branch with the remote branch which means you may use git pull without any arguments.
From Node-Red: In a new flow drop in a “inject” node a “exec” node and a “debug” node
Change the inject to repeat from “none” to “at a specific time”
Connect the inject to exec node
In exec node uncheck Append msg.payload and add to Command
cd ~/.node-red && git commit -a -m "daily commit" && git push
Connect the first output of the exec node to the debug node
Deploy flow
Test by clicking the inject tab.
I have also added a message sent to Telegram to confrim when a change has been committed but that is another project...